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Camp Testimonials

Airetiko Aerial Camp 2014



Before I went on this camp, I had been to a few aerial classes, watched a few awe inspiring circus acts and had developed a serious case of aerial addiction!! Not only did I want to constantly be flying around high swinging objects all day with a rush of euphoria and huge smile on my face, but the idea that I could perform magically graceful pieces of art with my body was an aspiration I could almost believe was achievable. If I didn’t dwell on reality too much that is!

Then as fate sometimes has it, the most unbelievable opportunity presented itself at the most perfect time. A week of concentrated aerial, outside in nature, high above the Andalusian Mountains in Spain! I quickly made all the necessary arrangements, and before I knew I was there; excitedly weaving my way through the steep valleys of the Alpujarras, passing self-subsisting communities and organic farms, to the stunning hilltop retreat that I would never want to leave!


From the moment I arrived, I was struck by the warmth and passion of theteam of dedicated aerialists, nutritionists, yoga teachers, performers and all round splendid people! Once we had settled in and met everyone who was going to be on the camp, we sat down to our first of many delicious and nutritious meals. These mealtimes were such a lovely time when we would come together to talk about our day, our concerns and our triumphs, and our plans for the next day. Plus, the fact that the food was so ridiculously delicious and wholesome; home grown, organic, vegetarian or vegan and so lovingly prepared, meant that this thrice daily meeting was the only thing that could possibly drag us away from our stunning aerial playground!

Each morning we would stroll through the garden in the fresh air of sunrise to be greeted by a nice cup of hot lemon water and a gentle restorative yoga class. Then the first half of the day would be spent at the rig for our aerial lessons, overlooking 1000kms of undulating Andalusian valleys, all the way to the sparkling sea in the distance. The care and attention to our progress on the equipment meant that in no time we were all feeling an elation and competence that we couldn’t previously imagine. Just having that time dedicated to our practice, and teachers that encouraged and advised when it was needed, made such a difference to what we achieved.

Afternoons were spent doing such things as performance workshops, acro-yoga, gator making, or more aerial if we had the energy! As a normally shy person, I was surprised how much I got out of the performance workshops, and how they really helped me gain confidence and get into the mind frame of becoming that magical graceful aerialist that was a mere fantasy beforehand.

In between these organised sessions, we were free to stroll around the mountainside, go for swim in the pool, indulge in a massage therapy, or simple relax in the sparkling sunshine. And evenings usually ended with a gorgeously relaxing herbal sauna, in case we weren’t feeling blissed out enough!

At the end of the week we all did a short ‘performance’ in front of the rest of the group. Which rather than terrify me (as I had expected it to), gave us all such a sense of empowerment and achievement. Each of us visibly conquered barriers of confidence, muscle pain, rope burn, and trapeze terror to pull together such beautiful and moving pieces of art that I’m not exaggerating when I say there were a few damp eyes at the end!

After a week at Airetiko Aerial Camp, I felt healthier, happier and more alive than ever. There’s not a thing I would change about it, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to get back there as soon as humanly….or otherwise….possible!!

Aerial Camp 2015



I just wanted to send you a little BIG thank you - the Airetiko Camp was beyond my wildest expectations - a wonderful clan of people held for a week by ropes, silks, hoops, lemon water and masterful amazing teachers with a unique approach to the equipment. Although on the inside there were moments where I was feeling a whole lot out of my depth - every step a long the way was encouraged and supported with ZING excitement and care -  which built my confidence and I learnt so much and feel ever so inspired to continue... It was just blissful - the balance of physical challenge, stretching, playing and relaxing. It all feels like a wild dream having returned back to life in the hills of Devon.

I can imagine the challenge to get this kind of thing right - the challenge to hold the group, but in my mind the space was authentic, heartfelt and empowering and everyones needs and skill level was met and expanded in some way.  A real testament of your commitment to the craft and wonderful way that each element to the course was thoughtfully woven and delivered - the performance workshops were really valuable, packed with skills and ideas for capturing the crowd and working with the audience - something that has felt intimidating in some way with my hoop practice - I hope to make the most of these new skills - still with much to learn and hone.  I also deeply appreciated the morning circle for checking in with each person and loved each mornings quote! Yoga and Pilates was the purrfect wake up - nourishing and stretching out aching limbs! I haven't even mentioned the place - but what a special welcoming oasis up in the clouds and exquisite deelish
food. All in all a bloooming fantastico week!  

Thank you thank you thank you and really look forward to next year

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